Bucket List

Here's my bucket list at work.

§  Eat a cake from Carlo’s Bakery (Cake Boss)
§  Visit Spain
§  Go on a mission trip
§  Meet Kevin Durant
§  Dunk on regulation basketball hoop
§  Bench-press 200 pounds
§  Watch an NBA buzzer-beater from the stands
§  Own a jet ski
§  Be part of a stranger’s bucket list
§  Go Apple Picking
§  Go Pumpkin Picking
§  Be an extra in a movie (or in actual cast)
§  Meet the President
§  Attend the summer Olympics
§  Go to Platform 9 and ¾
§  Swim under a waterfall
§  Declare eligible for the NBA Draft
§  Go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras
§  Run with the Bulls in Pamplona
§  See the Golden Gate Bridge
§  Swim in the Atlantic Ocean
§  Swim in the Pacific Ocean
§  Swim in the Arctic Ocean
§  Swim in the Mediterranean
§  Go to Singapore
§  Own a dog
§  Visit all 50 states
§  See all 30 NBA teams live
§  See all 32 NFL teams live
§  Be interviewed on a talk show
§  Skydive
§  Receive knighthood from the Queen of England
§  Be named one of People Magazine’s “50 Most Beautiful People”
§  Learn to play ukulele
§  Make the front page of a major newspaper
§  Drive a Chevy Camaro
§  Own a Chevy Camaro
§  Attend a Super Bowl
§  Watch the Browns win the Super bowl
§  ^Live
§  Watch the Indians win the World Series
§  ^Live
§  Watch the Cavs win the Finals
§  ^Live
§  Go to the ArenaBowl
§  Throw out the first pitch at an MLB game
§  Win a prize in a contest at an NBA game
§  Go to a Lake Erie Monsters game
§  Eat in the world’s fanciest restaurant
§  Visit Dubai
§  Camelback through the Sahara Desert
§  Pay for a stranger’s meal
§  Send a message in a bottle
§  Ride an elephant
§  Go in a water ball
§  See the northern lights
§  Be at Times Square for the New Year’s Eve ball drop
§  Storm a court after a victory
§  Storm a field after a victory
§  Swim with dolphins
§  Swim with stingrays
§  Walk a suspension bridge
§  Feed sharks
§  Swim through a cave
§  Ride in a hot air balloon
§  Become a Godfather
§  Ride in a helicopter
§  Bungee jump
§  Visit outer space
§  Go to Oktoberfest in Munich
§  Witness a solar eclipse
§  Read “The Miracle Morning”
§  Read “War and Peace”
§  Read “Mein Kampf”
§  Swim in the ocean
§  Geocache and find an item
§  Swim with turtles
§  Look inside the mouth of a live volcano
§  Learn how to dance
§  Sleep on a trampoline
§  See the Eiffel Tower
§  Vote in a Presidential Election
§  Sleep in an igloo
§  Own a dog
§  Get married
§  Have spaghetti and meatballs in Italy
§  Take a picture of every day for a year
§  Go grape stomping
§  Crowd surf at my wedding reception
§  See a tornado
§  Chase a tornado
§  Solve a Rubik’s Cube
§  Make a font out of my handwriting
§  Visit a historical concentration camp site
§  Go to the Lantern Festival in Taiwan
§  Learn sign language
§  Smoke a real Cuban cigar
§  Drink milk straight from a coconut
§  Finish a half marathon
§  Finish a full marathon
§  Ride a Segway
§  Ride in a gondola
§  Step foot in all 7 continents
§  Bike 13 miles to school and then back
§  Make a YouTube video that gets 100,000 views
§  Attend a non-violent protest for something I care about
§  Create a mancave
§  Do The Color Run
§  Run a 5k in under 20 minutes
§  Participate in La Tomatina in Spain
§  See a Cirque Du Soleil show
§  Visit silent monks and learn to meditate
§  Sell a piece of art
§  Finish a Triathlon
§  Publish a book
§  Ski the Swiss Alps
§  Do public speaking in front of 5,000+ people
§  Fly First Class
§  Ride the world’s tallest roller coaster
§  See the Mona Lisa
§  Go to Mass in the Vatican
§  Meet the Pope
§  Go to a drive-in movie
§  See a play on Broadway
§  Sit on a jury
§  Catch a home run at a MLB game
§  Have a child
§  Try to make a guard laugh at Buckingham Palace
§  Successfully make a guard laugh at Buckingham Palace
§  Walk the Great Wall of China
§  Choose a family vacation by throwing a dart at a map
§  See Stonehenge
§  Learn to juggle
§  Walk across hot coals
§  Get a Ph.D
§  Say something profound that becomes a famous quote
§  Stand on the equator
§  Drive the Autobahn
§  See the pyramids in Giza
§  Yell “Are you not entertained?” at the Colosseum

§  Milk a cow

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