Sunday, August 31, 2014

First Impression of Europe

So I arrived in Luxembourg on Wednesday morning (the 27th). Europe has made a ton of impressions on me this far. I've noticed that everything is cleaner here, but it also seems more fake and forced. Most of the houses are condominium-style, and very nice. The cultural differences are crazy. Beer and wine are like water for Europeans, and they don't have open container laws in Luxembourg. Today, Miami University took me to Germany and France. Three countries in one day! We also tasted wine in Lux. Yesterday, I visited General Patton's grave from WWII. The amount of history in this area is incredible. I casually walked into a church yesterday that was from the 14th century, most likely the oldest building I had ever stepped foot in. But overall, the most surprising part about Europe so far is how "green", clean, and modern the homes are. They almost look tacky because they're so modern/futuristic. But overall, I'm loving it here!

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