Monday, September 8, 2014

Waffles and Chocolate: Belg-YUM!


Hey all!
This weekend I traveled to Bruges, Belgium with some of my friends in the program. I was able to experience my first hostel, a few Belgian waffles, and my first taste of Belgian chocolate. I was honestly really surprised and impressed by Bruges as a whole. When I arrived it felt like I was at a midieval fair or in FarquardLand in Shrek. The buildings looked so old but so interesting! I picked up a cool notepad at a flea market that I plan on using as my sketchbook for my architecture class and my journal for art class! I got to go to mass at the Church of the Holy Blood, and I got to hang at the Markt for long portions of my days. Bruges is definitely somewhere I'd like to see again one day.


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